EMC1003 Crisis Intervention

CA$432.53 / unit

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EMC1003 January 14, 2025 to April 22, 2025
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EMC1003 Crisis Intervention Credits: 3

This course introduces students to the skills used to recognize the need for, and understand the steps to, effective crisis intervention as they apply to callers, family members, friends, and co-workers. Emergency services providers, in are exposed to Critical Incident Stress (CIS) situations that may lead to the need for interventions to mitigate/prevent the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The focus of this course is to make the student feel confident and competent in understanding and responding to a diverse range of crisis situations.

Delivery Method: Asynchronous Online

Prerequisites: None

Important Notes:

If you attended Cambrian in the past and do not remember your student ID, please answer No to Have you attended Cambrian in the past?

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