GEO1150 Minerals

CA$432.53 / unit

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GEO1150 September 10, 2024 to December 17, 2024
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GEO1150 Minerals Credits: 3

Mineralogy is the study of the crystals that comprise rocks. This course studies minerals. It is a course that allows the student to become very knowledgeable about minerals and to enjoy their beauty. The course begins by explaining what minerals are, their composition and their classification. The concept of mineral formation is followed by the use of descriptive and identifying properties.

The student is introduced to the use of a ‘key’. After having learned how to identify important minerals, the student will be introduced to some of the fascinating minerals on Earth: gemstones, ore minerals and essential minerals.
The course concludes by examining various mineral collecting sites of the world.

Prerequisites: None

Important Notes:

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